• About US Shipping Methods


  • $5 flat shipping cost.
  • Estimated delivery within 7 to 14 business days of shipment. This is an estimate only and not a guarantee.
  • When will my package arrive?

To review the estimated delivery rate for your selected shipping method, please refer to our About US Shipping Methods. You can check on the status of your package by selecting the tracking/customs link located in your shipping notification email.

Once shipped, most packages will arrive within the estimated time frame provided for the selected shipping method, but occasional delays may occur, especially during busy holidays or extreme weather conditions. International shipments may experience delays due to customs. All delivery times are estimates only, and are not guaranteed.

  • When will my order ship?

Please keep in mind due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there may be unforeseen delays in processing and shipping orders.

Most orders ship out within 14 to 16 business days of purchase. We does not ship out orders on weekends or US holidays. Occasional delays in processing may occur due to a high volume of orders, especially during holidays or sales.

The delivery rate estimates (as provided by the shipping carriers) do not begin until your order has been processed and shipped. You will receive an automated shipping confirmation email once your order has been shipped.

  • Can I change my shipping address?

If your order has not been shipped yet and you would like to change your shipping address please contact us. Once an order has been shipped, we are unable to update the shipping address